
Dance Ice Gymnastics Sportswear

Size 14 Girls Clothing - Shorts

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Item: 1209

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b. Growth and Production: Cotton is a member of the Mallow family. Its height ranges from 25 cm to over 2 m, depending upon variety, climate and agronomy. It is normally grown as an annual shrub. (1) Preparation of Land: The cleared land is ploughed and harrowed to breakup large lumps and remove ridges. Small furrows are opened and at the same time, the seeds are dropped in one at a time, generally with fertilizer being put in the furrow at the same time. Generally cotton is planted in February in the more southerly regions but it may be as late as June in the northernmost sections of the cotton belt. When the plants have grown to a height of 5 to 7 inches, they are generally thinned out so that there are not more than 2 or 3 plants per hill, or so that the plants are about 9 to 14 apart in rows. This is usually done by hand. Within a few weeks after the plant has emerged, the first buds appear. This consists of three triangular strapped leaflets or bracts, and the flower buds. It is at this stage when the plant is about to bear its blossom and seed, that it is most susceptible to insect damage. The principal enemy to cotton is the ball weevil. Other parts are aphids, worms, spider, mites and a number of other small insects.

3. The Kantha of Bengal: The traditional folk art of Bengal is famous as Kantha, which means Patched Cloth and quilting. The Dacca muslin saris of gray, black or white coloured are used for thin embroidering. The old discarded cotton saris or dhotis are piled up on the top of each other quilted and embroidered.