
Dance Ice Gymnastics Sportswear

Size 14 Basics - Shorts

Page: 1

Item: 3293

Various sizes


Item: 3550

Size: 14


Item: 3552

Size: 14


Page: 1

Stage 4: Select and prepare the material: Prepare the garment material and since the whole garment is cut, allow enough material to cover both sides of the stand for each section. When estimating the amount needed for draped styles, bear in mind the extra fabric will be requires for the drawing up of folds from the bottom down from they top and the depth of the fold itself. The draping quality of the warp and weft grain should be the same in order to match both sides of a drape. Allow plenty of excess material beyond the outer edges of the stand and mark in the centre vertical line and the warp grain with a contrasting thread.

QUESTIONS: PARTI Objective questions: 1 Mark 1. When making a boys sports shirts, this type of seam is used. (a) Plain seam (b) French seam (c) Run and fell seam (d) Piped seam 2. For this type of seam, a single row of stitch is worked close to the seam line on the right side.