
Dance Ice Gymnastics Sportswear

Girls Clothing - Sleeveless Leotard

Price: $60.00

Description: Matt lycra leotard. Lined upper section

Item: 3625


Make double or triple feather stitch by making two or three slanting stitches on one side and then a similar number on the other side. 10. Chevron stitch: This stitch is worked between double line. Bring the thread through on the lower line at the left side, insert the needle a little to the right on the same line and take a small stitch to the left emerging half-way between the stitch being made.

5. Seam roll: This item is a long, firm tubular cushion used to press long seams and small curved areas. A seamline can be pressed without having the imprint of the seam allowances showing through on the right side of the fabric.