
Dance Ice Gymnastics Sportswear

Girls Clothing - Sleeveless Leotard

Price: $50.00

Description: Textured printed lycra front with nylon lycra back. Patterns may vary

Item: 3617


The sex and age as well as the figure and personality of the wearer should also be considered while designing pockets. Choose the poscket designs that suit for childrens dresses. Scalloped and rounded pocket are becoming only for girls dresses. Straight line pockets are suitable for mens and boys garments. For older women and short women, inconspicouous designs such as set-in pocket are advisable. Women with a large bust line should avoid designs with breast pockets. The pocket designs should be appropriate fro the type of garment and the purpose and use of the garment. For example, simple straight line pockets are suitable for school uniforms and casual wear garments, while conspicuous pocket styles with decoration trimmings (suited to the wearer) may be used on party wear dresses.

The tangle of loose silk with which the silk worm is originally secured its position in the straw, is called Floss or Blaze. In about two weeks, the moth will develop if the chrysalis is permitted to live. The moth escapes through the bottom of the cocoon and breaks the silk strands in the several layers in making its escape. An alkaline solution secreted by the moth allows it to break the strands more easily. It is customary to permit the development of only enough moths for breeding and egg-laying, because the broken cocoons are of less value than those having long, unbroken filaments. Life cycle is terminated at this point by process known as Stoving or Stifling.