
Dance Ice Gymnastics Sportswear

Boys Clothing - Longs

Price: $55.00

Description: Nylon lycra long with drawstring waist. Patterns may vary

Item: 3589


(a) Loop stitch (b) Feather stitch (c) Back stitch (d) Tailor taking 4. This is a permanent stitch. (a) Back stitch (b) Satin stitch (c) Chain stitch (d) Herringbone stitch 5. This is a flat filling stitch used to cover regular or irregular shaped spaces.

Next keep the yoke on top of the lower section, matching seam lines. Tack in position and top stitch. Close to the folded edge of the yokes. A tucked seam effect can be got, if desired, by doing the top stitching away from the folded edge of the yoke.