
Dance Ice Gymnastics Sportswear

Accessories - Beanie

Price: $15.00

Description: Acrylic Beanie with Black Embroidery. Email us for a different colour combination

Item: 3474


19.3 SELECTION OF POCKET DESIGN: Plan pocket designs that harmonize with the design of the fabric as well as the design of the garment and its components (collar, sleeve, cuff etc.) For the striped dress the rectangular shaped pockets cut on crosswise grain and finished with bias edging is a good choice. The scalloped pocket in look becoming because they harmony with the scalloped collar and heart shaped pocket of the dress.

AE = waist + 1 (1 for dart; for ease allowance). AA1 =. Join A1 E ;GH - Seat + for ease allowance. Join EHC Mark CC1 = 1. Mark points on either side of O and connect to P.