
Dance Ice Gymnastics Sportswear

Accessories - Beanie

Price: $15.00

Description: Acrylic Beanie with White Embroidery. Email us for a different colour combination

Item: 3473


163 16.4 COLLAR: A collar is added to the neckline of a garment in order to enhance its appearance. It is also serves to finish the raw edges of the neckline. Collars are made of double layers of fabric. Since collars form a background for the face, great care has to be taken in designing collar styles which suit the wearer.

Harvesting is either by hand or by picking machines. (4) Ginning: If the newly harvested seed cotton is wet, then it may have to be dried, using warm air, before it can be stored in large piles to await ginning. In many countries, drying is an integral part of the ginning process. Ginning is the separation of fibers from the seeds. It is done by special machines. The separated fibers called lint, have a staple length of between 15 and 50 mm depending on the variety. On many types of seed, there are some very short fibers, called linters. They are made of cellulose and they find many uses, including the production of man-made fibers. The seeds can also be utilised for the production of edible oil.