
Dance Ice Gymnastics Sportswear

Boys Clothing - Longs

Price: $55.00

Description: Nylon lycra long with drawstring waist. Patterns may vary

Item: 3466


a. Bayton: Bayton, a three feet square piece serves as a wrap for books and other similar valuables. It has a central motif, usually the lotus with hundred petals called Satadala Padma. The core has Satadala Padma with two or three borders on the sides. The other motifs commonly seen are water pots conch shells, kalkas, trees, foliages, flowers, birds, elephants, chariot, human figures etc.

(a) Sunray pleat (b) Accordion (c) Box pleat (d) Inverted box pleat 8. Which is a round pleat. (a) Accordion (b) Sunray pleat (c) cartridge (d) kick 9. Pleats in which 3 small equal pleats are stitched together.