
Dance Ice Gymnastics Sportswear

Girls Clothing - Sleeveless Leotard

Price: $55.00

Description: Sublimated leotard. Front lined

Item: 3413


4. Trim and grade hem seam allowances. Clip upper corners. Turn hem right side out and press. 5. Fold in seam allowances along stitching and press. Square corners must be mitered; rounded corners must b e notched.

3. Ruler: A ruler is useful for measuring small distances as tucks, hems, facing, etc. on patterns, for drawings lines and marking dots. Meter Scale Measuring Tape Ruler 6.3 DRAFTING TOOL: These tools are helpful to fix the pattern, draw, draft and cut the pattern as well as fabric. The following tools will be of use. Some of the drafting tools are 1. Wooden Table 2. Brown sheet 3. Dress Model 4. Bell pin 5. Pin Cushions.