
Dance Ice Gymnastics Sportswear

Girls Clothing - Sleeveless Leotard

Price: $60.00

Description: Sublimated mystique. Front lined. Slim fit

Item: 3368


Paste another strip of tape closely below the widest hip. Paste stripe curving under each bust to preserve contour. c. First layer of strips, 12 to 15 inches. Begin at center front and back, paste moistened strips on the figure from neck and shoulder edges to taped waistline, over lapping strips of the strip width. Let strips curve to body contour as they will, and f too long tear off excess length. Continue pasting strips to armscye edge, overlapping strips at top of shoulder. Repeat for second side of front and back. From waist to lower hip edge, paste 9 to 12 inch strips at right angles to waist, joining tape ends to those above the waist. Paste 5 to 9 inch strips diagonally from underarm to lower hip edge, allowing strips to overlap front and back. Repeat for second side.

3. Openings are subjected to certain amount of strain during wear and should be strengthened at the closed ends, lower end or neck and skirt openings, upper end of wrist openings etc. For plackets in seams to be durable, the garment seam should be at least 5/8 wide. Seams should not be trimmed or clipped too close.