
Dance Ice Gymnastics Sportswear

Girls Clothing - Crop Tops

Price: $25.00

Description: Lycra extended length crop top

Item: 3298


5. Leg- O-mutton Sleeve: This sleeve is tight fitted at bottom and puffed with gathers. Prepare a sleeve pattern and draw line XY. Now draw MN through middle of sleeve. Slash along XY and MN and spread the top edge apart and prepare a new pattern.

(a) 10th (b) 20th (c) 16th (d) 19th 2. Artificial silk is (a) rayon (b) polyester (c) acrylic (d) acetate 3. Nylon is a fabric whose filaments are prepared from (a) melt spinning (b) dry spinning (c) wet spinning (d) blow spinning 4. The main difference between acetate and triacetate is (a) ageing (b) acetone/methyline chloride (c) hydrolysis (d) all of these 5. Polyester is referred as (a) dupont (b) work horse (c) cellulose acetate (d) acrylic Answer in one or two words: 1. Name any two synthetic fibers.