
Dance Ice Gymnastics Sportswear

Girls Clothing - Crop Tops

Price: $25.00

Description: Lycra extended length crop top

Item: 3297


Make a trial layout by keeping weights or two pins per pattern, to make sure that cloth will be sufficient. Rules 6 to 9 must be borne in mind while making the trial layout. 5. Straight grain lines on patterns must be kept parallel to the fabric selvedge. To ensure this, measure and adjust the pattern so that both ends of the straight grain line are the same distance from the selvedge and pin the pattern to the fabric along the grain line arrows.

2. All seams and edges must be as thin and smooth as they can be made, without weakening the garment. 3. All edges must have good shape with accurate corners and curves. 4. Facing edges, whether beneath a neckline or collar, must be hidden from view.