
Dance Ice Gymnastics Sportswear

Girls Clothing - Sleeveless Leotard

Price: $65.00

Description: Sublimated Mystique Leotard with rhinestones. Designed and made by us.

Item: 3225


0-1 = Front and back neck width 0-1 = Front neck depth 1-3-2 = Front neckline 0-4 = Back neck depth 1-5-4 = Back neckline Neck Proportions for ladies garments: In ladies garments, neck proportions are generally kept as follows.

2. Embroidery starts without knitting threads, but with a tiny back stitch. Types of stitches: a. Gavanthi: This is a simple more common stitch derived from the Kannada wordGantu means knot. It is a double running stitch, in which the first running stitch is filled by the second running stitch on the same line. The second one worked exactly opposite to the first one.