
Dance Ice Gymnastics Sportswear

Girls Clothing - Crop Tops

Price: $20.00

Description: Nylon spandex with velvet binding. These are more generous in size across the chest than our other tops

Item: 3147


3. Draw new side seam lines keeping them straight from armhole to waistline. 2. To shorten a blouse: 1. Make a pleat of the correct width across the pattern about 2 or 3 inches above waistline. 2. Keep it at right angles to the center line and pin a piece of paper.

9.5 ALTERATING PATTERN: 1. To lengthen a blouse: 1. Cut across the pattern about 2 or 3 inches above the waist line at right angles to the center line. 2. Spread the pattern to the necessary amount. Pin each edge of pattern to a strip of new paper.