
Dance Ice Gymnastics Sportswear

Accessories - Grip Bags

Price: $15.00

Description: Heavy cotton grip bag Approx size 24 x 33cm

Item: 2818


d. Tepchi: Tepchi is a simple running (darning) stitch, used to fill the straight or curved lines in the floral design. It is mainly used to give the outlines for the design. It is a flat style. e. Button hole stitch: This is used to cover small floral motifs. Closed blanket stitch is usually used for this.

3.3.1 Manufacturing Process: Acetate Triacetate 1. Purified cellulose from wood pulp or cotton linters. 1. Same as acetate. 2. Mixed with glacial acetic acid, acetic 2. Same as acetate. anhydride and a catalyst.