
Dance Ice Gymnastics Sportswear

Girls Clothing - Crop Tops

Price: $20.00 Sale Price: $10.00

Description: Unique Crop Top with Red Nylon Spandex and Black mesh overlay. Please email me before purchase to check availability as this item is on display at WVGC.

Item: 1318


5. The durability of novelty yarn fabrics is dependent on the size of the novelty effect, how well the novelty effect is held in the yarn and on the firmness of the weave on the fabric. Generally speaking, the smaller the novelty effect, the more durable the fabric is, since the yarns are less affected by abrasion and do not tend to catch and pull out so readily.

4. Current fashion: The modern trend is to use a simple seam which produces a garment. 12.3 TYPES OF SEAM: Seams are of different types. They are: 1. Plain seam 2. Run and Fell seam 3. French Seam 4. Mantua maker seam 5. Piped seam 1. Plain seam: This is the most widely used seam because it is easy to make, requires less time, is pliable and inconspicuous. It is used on all types of fabrics except on very transparent kinds, and is especially suitable for firm fabrics that do not ravel. To make this seam, place the two pieces of fabrics to be joined together right side facing, matching the seam lines. Insert pins at right angles to the seam line and work a line of tacking following the Plain seam 124 seam line. Remove the pins and stitch the seam exactly on the seam line. Remove tacking and press the seam open. If the fabric is fine, both the seam allowances can be pressed to one side. Plain seam is used especially for side seams and armhole seams on skirts, coats, petticoats, blouses etc.