
Dance Ice Gymnastics Sportswear

Girls Clothing - Long Sleeved Leotards

Price: $55.00

Description: Long sleeve lycra and dizzy mystique leotard

Item: 3366


This process should be repeated all over the fabric. 2. The second method is laying a layer of wet muslin or long cloth over the fabric and rolling the two together and allowing it to remain in this position over night. After this the muslin or long cloth should be removed and the woollen fabric is spread on the table with wrong side upwards. The fabric should now be pressed and allowed to dry naturally.

b. Off centre lengthwise fold: This is used when narrow pieces have to be cut on fold. To ensure that the fold is parallel to the selvedge, mark points measuring the required distance (width of the half pattern including seam allowance) from the selvedges at regular intervals and fold along the markings. The layout for a childs panty on this type of layout is illustrated in the figure.