
Dance Ice Gymnastics Sportswear

Girls Clothing - Sleeveless Leotard

Price: $55.00

Description: Sublimated mystique leotard. Designed and made by us.

Item: 3212


111 Remove the two sections. Either before the form is made or after is the removed measure the person at the following positions and record in neck, bust, waist, and widest hip. Compute the difference between the person and the form at neck, bust, waist and hip.

1. Preparing a viscous solution or syrup dope. 2. Extruding this solution through spinneret to form a fiber. 3. Solidifying the fiber by coagulation, evaporation or cooling. Manufacturing process of rayon The raw material can be made by mixing or dissolving natural fibers with some chemicals where they are called regenerated fibers or just with the mixing of the chemicals.